The Judge Says

Sometimes satirical, usually political, always with a progressive bent.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Rest of the Bush-Blair Transcript

Washington, D.C. a JudgeB Newswire exclusive

As has widely been reported a microphone picked up off the record comments between President Bush and Prime Minister Blair at a G-8 luncheon. Many sources have published transcripts of the conversation. However, there were several parts of the tape that were inaudible.

But then the technicians at The Center for Making Inaudible Things Audible got a copy of the tape. Through their use of sophisticated computer audio enhancement techniques, they have provided us with the following additional transcript. This part picks up right after Bush tells Blair that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will be sent to the Mid-East to address the current crisis.

Blair: You always give her the best assignments!

Bush: Now don't get your panties all bunched up. I gotta make her look good to help in getting her the 2008 presidential nomination.

Blair: I understand that, but you have to help me out here George. I'm sinking in the ratings too!

Bush: You want to take Canada back? Cuz we won't stand in the way if you do. Frankly I'm a little tired of everyone saying their health care system is better.

Blair: No that won't do. I don't want to have to deal with that whole Quebec headache. Let me take the lead on this latest Mid-East problem.

Bush: Well I'm sorry, Ton, but I can't let you do that. I've already told you I've promised Condi she can take the lead.

Blair: This isn't about politics, is it George. This is about you and her.

Bush: Now Ton, you know that isn't true. All those rumors are just idle gossip.

Blair: Really George? Don't forget I was at Camp David the night the two of you went for your little moonlit walk. It looked to me like you were invading more than Iraq that night.

Bush: Now that's just cold.

Blair: I'm sorry George. It's just that, since you started up with her you never call any more. Have you forgotten those wonderful nights at last year's G-8? Am I just a memory George?

Bush: Aw come on Ton. You know you'll always be the Big Dog with me.


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